The game follows the plot of the series, in story mode, starting from Naruto's graduation from the Academy to the end of the Chūnin Exams. Also new are air throws, where certain character are able to throw their foes in midair, though even these can be escaped from like normal throws on ground.
The roster is also notably more updated from Clash of Ninja, where it is more notably praised.Ī large notable series mainstay in this instalment is the feature to not only fight one on one, but now 4-way brawls have been added, with characters being able to switch their targets mid-fight, and enabling multiplayer with up to 4 players on field at the same time. Once accomplished, an item will appear in Anko's shop and the player may buy with money earned from fighting. You can unlock new features such as new characters, stages, and modes by accomplishing certain tasks in the game. Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 offers several different game modes such as Arcade mode, VS mode, and Story mode.